Sugarbush Farm
GiftsGifts & Specialty ItemsShoppingTourism
- 591 Sugarbush Farm Rd Woodstock VT 05091
- (802) 457-1757
- (800) 281-1757
- (802) 457-3269
- Sugarbush Farm
9 to 5 every day except Thanksgiving & Christmas.
Driving Directions:
See Description.
About Us
Visit a working cheese, maple syrup & cattle farm. Free admission to maple sugaring educational display & maple/nature walk. Free samples of 15 kinds of cheese ( some aged to 8 years old ), maple syrup and Vermont gourmet foods.
Farm retail store, shipping available. 10 minutes from center of Quechee. The view alone is worth the ride. Farm animals to see during warmer months.
Directions to Sugarbush Farm. Leave Rt 4 at Quechee Main Street which is .7 miles west of Mobil Station and Exit 1 I-89. Pass through Quechee village . At end of village ( 5.3 miles from Mobil station ) bear left which is still Quechee Main Street. Pass through the Quechee Country Club and after passing all of the golf course, turn Right up Hillside Road East and follow the signs 2 more miles to the farm. Alternate route also from Woodstock. Call for directions.
- Learn about farming from real farmers
- At the end of a scenic Vermont road lies a cheese lover's paradise
- Free Samples of Cheese & Maple Syrup
- Vermont Products Farm Store
- Animals to Pet during warmer months