Silent Auction and 10/100 to benefit White River Rotary Club!

Spend $100 for a chance of winning $800…or $1,000? You bet!
The White River Rotary Club’s annual “10/100” event is upon us. Please read on to learn how this could be a winwin opportunity for you and the Club! Silent Auction and 10/100 to benefit the local White River Rotary Club! Now celebrating its 100th year, Rotary is again sponsoring this annual event that has been a highlight throughout the years. With appetizers, beverages, laughs, community building and a little competition, it’s sure to be an evening you’ll enjoy!
Saturday night, October 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m. Hotel Coolidge, White River Junction, VT
Ticket price: $100 includes appetizers/finger foods, beer, wine and soft drinks for you and a guest (As are all our events, 100% of the profits are donated directly back into our community.
Throughout the evening, you and your ticket are eligible to win up to $1,000 as the evening continues. You do not need to be present to win, but oh, the fun we have as each ticket is drawn throughout the night! AND…no more than 100 tickets are sold for this event!
See any rotary member or email to purchase a ticket…while supplies last!
Date and Time
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
6:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT